Contact us

Donate crops: If you have a crop to donate or have questions about crop donation: (503) 400-6618 ext. 1
Harvest Director: If you have already registered a farm crop and need to contact the Harvest Director: 400-6618 ext. 2
Donate or sponsor: If you would like to make a donation to Salem Harvest or are a local business interested in our sponsorship program: 400-6618 ext. 3
Volunteer: If you are interested in volunteering with Salem Harvest, you can contact the Volunteer Coordinator: 400-6618 ext. 4
General questions: You can find information about upcoming harvests and other information about Salem Harvest on our other web pages. If you have a specific question or need that you cannot find there, you may send an email or leave a voice message: 400-6618 ext. 5
Webmaster: To report problems with web pages, registration or harvest sign up: (503) 991-5525
Postal mail: Our mailing address is:
Salem Harvest, P.O. Box 483, Salem, OR 97308